Planning placement of equipment in/on cage

Step 3.1 Availability in the cage

Blue cabinet: Cage Power supply
Black cabinet: CageEye cabinet
Orange cable: CageEye 25m power cable
Yellow floater: CageEye Duo Sensors
Yellow faded Cabinet: Camera cabinet
  • Is it other equipment in the cage that might be in conflict with ours?

    • For example if there already exist a camera-system in the cage, we recommend installing our duo sensors in parallel to avoid conflict. This will/can affect the wanted position of the Cage Cabinet aswell.

    • Other equipment? (feeding pipes, lights, cleaning fish hide, liftup etc.)

Step 3.3 Availability on cage

  • Availability on the vertical posts

    • We have often experienced that vertical post are being used already, by other equipment, by holding nets, birdnets and so on. Make sure that there are availability on each cage.

Step 3.3 Power supply to our Cage Cabinet

  • The power cable is standard 25m. Consider the customer-power-supply-cabinet on each cage; is 25m (in either direction) enough length to position our Cage Cabinet where you want it?

    Green arrow indicating 25m standard power cable. 25m from each direction of power cabinet