Installing Echosounders

Installing Echosounders

STEP 5: Cage - Duo Sensors


Step 5.1


  • Tie the end of the “Main Rope” to the handrail like shown in Fig A.

  • Make sure the elastic ropes (Orange in Fig A.) are together, as you will hold them while dragging the main rope to the other side (like shown in Fig B).

  • PS! Check conflicting ropes and equipment, and decide to go over- or under based on the end result (Fig D).

Step 5.2


  • Tie a secure knot on both elastic ropes.

  • Pull in the main rope until you have direct contact with the yellow floater.

  • Send the bottom sensor to the bottom.

  • Put the top sensor and floater in the water.

Step 5.3


  • Pull the floater to the wanted position, as close to the feeder as possible

Step 5.4


  • Tie a knot on both sides of the Main rope like shown in Fig D.

  • Use knot from 4.2 before connecting to the cabinet

  • Connect the sensor cables to the cabinet.

  • Call your contact person at Bluegrove to confirm that the sensors are operational.