What to do when renaming, changing or moving feed pipes between cages

What to do when renaming, changing or moving feed pipes between cages

Follow the description for your feeding system.

How integration works

Sketch of feeding machinery and cages(units).

How it works:

  • Bluegrove deals only with cages(units in the sketch).

  • Bluegrove sends a signal to start feeding X kg/minute for cage Y.

  • It does not say which pipe to use.

  • Everything on the barge is handled by the feeding system, not Bluegrove.

When speaking with feeding system, Bluegrove refers to cages by their “External id”.

Bluegrove tech-support is happy to help you. They can be reached on: +47 72 90 92 22

1. AKVA Group

Link to AKVA group user manuals.


a. AKVA Control 10 - Uses Piscada OAP.

  1. Update the settings in AKVA Control 10 according to the user manual.

  2. Check if feed is coming out in the correct cage. If the feed comes out in the wrong cage, please call Bluegrove tech support on +47 72 90 92 22. They will follow the procedure for changing pipe in Piscada OAP.

b. AKVA Connect 2.13-2.17 - Uses Piscada OAP.

  1. Update the settings in AKVA Connect according to the user manual.

  2. Check if feed is coming out in the correct cage. If the feed comes out in the wrong cage, please call Bluegrove tech support on +47 72 90 92 22. They will follow the procedure for changing pipe in Piscada OAP.

2. Fluctus - All versions

  1. Update the settings in Fluctus according to the user manual. No further steps required.

3. ScaleAQ - All versions

  1. Update the settings in Feedstation according to the user manual. No further steps required.

4. Piscada Open Aquaculture Platform (OAP) - All versions

Contact information

Phone number: +47 74 38 83 00
Email: support@piscada.com

  1. Check to see if external cage ID is unchanged, if so: no action is required.

  2. If the external id is changed:

    1. Inform Piscada about new feeding-line ID

    2. When Piscada has reconfigured the line, do a test meal.

5: Do the procedure for testmeal



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