This document explains how to fix a bottom sensor with to high tilt angle.
The tilt angle might get to high if the bottom sensors TILT-stop-knot gets loose or slips on the cable. When the surface detection meter (Y) gets a certain % higher than the Depth sensor (X) it can cause gaps in inspector and in some cases total outages.
\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions
The bottom sensor TILT-stop-knot can be located as illustrated below.
When the bottom sensor is at hand, re-attach the stop knot. The knot is illustrated below.
It is important that there is more than enough slack on the cable below the knot, to make sure the knot takes the beating and not the connector on the sensor
When the knot is done, test it by trying to force it up- or down the cable. If you are unable to do so, the knot is secure.