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Table of Contents


***No feeding will be schedulled during a planned event.


3.1.2 Feeding settings


going to planner.mp4

To change the settings:

  1. Go to "Planner."

  2. Select the gear icon to open the settings.

  3. Adjust the settings for each cage.




Integration with the feeding system

Autonomous Mode

Autonomous feeding. Takes input from the user.


Manual mode

Manual feeding in Echofeeding UI.


Feeding in a different user interface.

Enabled. Listening mode*

Service Mode

Pause the feeding for different reasons.

Active integration. Stop command is sent**


Feeding in a different user interface.

Enabled. Listening mode*

*EF is not sending any comands to the feeding system in the barge

**Feeding can not start from the feeding system in the barge

Autonomous Mode

Autonomous mode is a the default setting on EF, it allows the feeding system to operate independently using AI and algorithms. This mode utilizes input from hydroacoustic sensors, which provide real-time data on the location and movement of the fish within the cage. Based on this information, the system determines the feeding to the fish behavior and predetermined setting to that cage.

On this mode the feeder can still give input about appetite increase or reduction, affecting the feeding intensity immediatly.

Data Analysis: The system continuously analyzes data from hydroacoustic sensors to identify where the fish are most densely located.

Automated Feeding: Using the analyzed data, the system automatically starts and stops feeding sessions without the need for human intervention.

Optimized Feeding: The AI adjusts feeding intensity and duration to ensure efficient feeding according to the appetite.

Manual mode: Overriding and stopping a meal immediately


(overriding video)

To override a meal:

  • Click anywhere over the line from the desired cage to open the control menu > click on ‘'override control’'

After this is done you can continue using EF UI to manually control the feeding and change intensities according to their preferences. This is done if the feeding from EF does not align with the feeder's desired outcomes.

To exit manual mode and go back to autonomous mode:


When doing this the feeding will continue running automatically and events can be sent.


To stop a meal:

  • Click anywhere over the line from the desired cage to open the control menu > click on ‘'override control’' > click and hold over the red stop icon for 3 seconds

This action is taken if you wish to stop the meal. Flushing the pipes will then run for the time the cage is set to have before blowers stop.

  • Click on ‘'AUTONOMOUS FEEDING’' to go back to autonomous feeding mode

When doing this the feeding will continue running automatically and events can be sent.

Service Mode

When a cage is set to service mode, the current meal from that cage is paused, allowing you to perform actions such as changing the silo without fully stopping the meal in EF. When switching back the meal will resume on EF.


  • Click anywhere over the line from the desired cage to open the control menu > click on ‘'turn off EF and continue feeding from Akva/Fluctus/Scale’' Ömer: do we really need the exact feeding system name? If we need the exact name, will follow up on the existing card Marina suggestion: have ‘monitoring mode’ words on UI TBD with Nikita

By changing from autonomous to monitoring mode while feeding, the cage continues on the current state andyou will need to take control from the feeding system at the barge. When entering this mode no automatic changes will be done by EF and you have full control from your local feeding system. This meal will be considered ended in EF UI.
