Step 5
During operation the equipment will likely be partly removed for operations such as de-licing or similar.
This is a guide based on our experience.
This guide can also be used for complete removal of the equipment at the end of a cycle.
Step 5.1
Before you start the system will look like shown in the illustration above. Follow the steps for partly de-assembly of the equipment. There is alot of coils, and we recommend to make big coils (Diameter). Tape/strips the coils along the way if needed, this will make it easy to handle- and re-deploy.
The finished result should look like illustrated below.
Step 5.2 - Complete removal of equipment
Take a rope through the centre of all coils (See illustration above) including the unmarked power cable. You can now consider it as one big coil, and we recommend two people carrying this: One person for the sensors, and one for the ropes and cables.
Rengjør produktene før lagring. Oppbevar dem tørt og mørkt.